Is Your Drone Properly Marked?

On February 25, 2019, the FAA revised the regulation concerning proper drone labeling. With this change, Carolina Drone Academy had to change how we had our FAA Registration ID displayed on our aircrafts. Here's the basics to help make sure you and your sUAS are compliant.
To register a drone for flights in the US, you need to go to You'll see that drones that weigh 0.55 lbs. (250 grams) and less than 55 lbs. (25 kg) must be registered. For drones 55lbs and over, they no longer qualify for the small UAS registration process, so they have to be registered using a different process.
Once you register your sUAS, you will receive a certificate with your FAA Registration ID. This ID must be legibly displayed on an external surface of the drone. It is no longer acceptable to place the registration ID in a battery compartment which is where we had our ID located on our aircrafts.
Below is how this regulation is now worded. Be sure to stay tuned. The FAA has taken public comments on these changes, and they may offer more changes or details in the coming months.
§48.205 Display and location of unique identifier.
(a) The unique identifier must be maintained in a condition that is legible.
(b) The unique identifier must be affixed to the small unmanned aircraft by any means necessary to ensure that it will remain affixed for the duration of each operation.
(c) The unique identifier must be legibly displayed on an external surface of the small unmanned aircraft.
About Carolina Drone Academy
Carolina Drone Academy specializes in providing premier drone pilot training with in-person drone training courses and hands-on drone pilot flight training across most commercial sectors including the US Military, law enforcement, media and advertising companies, colleges, engineering, construction, and other government agencies. Please visit for the latest course offerings including in-person FAA 107 exam preparation classes, Driver’s ED for Drones pilot flight training, advanced drone filming and photography, along with other specialized drone solutions.